As a single man who has many platonic friendships with women, this subject comes up a lot....
1. A relationship with a woman today is high risk/low reward--financially, sexually, and emotionally.
2. Men are biologically attracted to feminine traits --empathy, compassion, nurturing--but women today have increasingly masculine traits like independence, leadership, and aggressiveness. These can be good traits, they just don't make for a good partner...
3. I applaud "boss babes" and "strong independent women," and I know many. I just don't want to be in a romantic relationship with one...
4. Contrary to popular belief, men are not "threatened" by strong independent women. We seek support, loyalty, and peace in a partner--why bother getting into a relationship/partnership with someone who is fiercely "independent?"
5. Many women don't take care of their health and fitness, and of those who do, many seek to build muscle. Men are not biologically attracted to obesity or muscularity in a woman. Don't shoot the messenger--it's biology.
*Just like being a boss babe, there's nothing wrong with a woman building muscle, but in general, men don't find it attractive.
6. Men are solution based problem solvers by nature, so we are always evaluating risk vs. reward.
Why risk your peace and independence when there is little return? Which brings me to...
7. Sex
Men are finding out they are fine going without sex for long periods of time and that the "reward" just isn't worth the risk. It also frees up their minds to pursue their goals. They can channel that "drive" into more worthwhile pursuits.
Plus, any married man or one that's been in a relationship for a while will tell you that their sex life ranges from boring to non-existent.
Again, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just giving you a mans perspective. I don't chase women anymore, and my life has improved greatly because of it.