As A Thank You — A Free Book For My Email Subscribers

Dave Tieff
Feb 17, 2024

I’m in the process of completing my book, “Sex. Drugs. Rock. A Lead Singer’s Search For Meaning.”

I appreciate anyone who reads my articles, and to say thank you I’m going to send a free copy to all of my Medium email subscribers.

The book is semi-autobiographical, with the history of rock ‘n roll, pop culture, and world events woven into the background. It’s an homage to all of my rock star heroes, but specifically, those who succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse before their time.

The book will be complete by summer of 2024. Thank you for reading!



Dave Tieff

Alcohol Free (AF) singer-songwriter & cyber journalist. Here to discuss everything sex, drugs, rock, and culture🤘🍄🎙💋