Dear Angus,
Let me start by saying that if you've found sobriety in AA and it's a good fit for you--I applaud you.
I'm also aware that my opinion of AA will upset and offend AA members. While that's not my intention, there's no real way around it.
But the answer to your question is right in your first statement. The reason I am bitter towards AA is because--I can't escape it.
I should add that I've had many bad experiences with AA, most notably the advice from multiple members (at the same time) "advising " me NOT to take a medication. This is why I speak out.
You and I both know how common this is--along with the armchair psychology of AA.
It's not AA the program that I have an issue with, per se, it's AA's ubiquity in the recovery world. It bleeds into every corner--one way or another.
For some people, like yourself--that's fine. For people like me--the 85% that AA doesn't work for--it's unacceptable.