Yes, And I Can Prove It.
“Everything happens for a reason” has become such a cliche that it ranks right up there with “thoughts & prayers” in terms of complete uselessness. Mind you, it typically comes from well meaning people, but it’s a code phrase that means “I have no idea what else to say, and because the person before me said ‘keep your chin up’ — I’m just going to go with the next viable option.”
But does everything happen for a reason? The short answer to that is: YES.And I can prove it. But the most important question is:
Where do we find this reason?
First, the reason isn’t written down somewhere in an ancient book, deep within a mountain cave, guarded by Orks. It’s not held secret by an all powerful deity who decided to play games on a slow creation day; and Leonardo Da Vinci didn’t hide the reason behind the mashed potatoes in The Last Supper.
The reason is…the reason YOU give it.
We’ve all had hardships, some more than others, and I think we’ve all learned by now that life is not fair. That’s another cliche of course, one you heard from your parents, but at least there is absolute an umambiguous truth in that cliche, which is why it stands the test of time. But there’s a great equalizer when it comes to hardships, and that…