Hey Carrie,
It's my perspective of AA--so I understand and acknowledge (in many of my articles also) that it is "limited" in that way.
But...that also negates your assertion that my perspective is "inaccurate"--because it's my own personal experience. Two different people could go to the same restaurant and share completely different experiences--neither of which would be "inaccurate."
With that said, I've been to thousands of AA meetings, and I point out the defects of AA that are the most ubiquitous.
As for AA being the "most successful" program, first we would have to define success. It's definitely the most well known and widely used program (the latter being another issue altogether) but AA's success rate is only around 8-12%.
As for the saying in AA to "keep in open mind," I always try to--and I'm very glad I did.
It's why I started looking for other paths to sobriety and why I left AA.