Well, my chick, I didn't need to "try harder" because I was fine with with the ultimate outcome, and my ex wife and I co-parent very well these days.
In the state where I live, the legal advice and counsel I received continually pointed to the mother having the advantage, which left me a choice:
Pay lawyers ungodly sums of money in a crap shoot, or begin peacefully co-parenting with my ex with our finances still somewhat in tact.
However, you are correct, there were oversights on my part:
Since you're a stat gal, look at the stats on how much better children do with single fathers than single mothers. I was not aware of this at the time, but now I see why it's true (for many reasons).
Knowing what you and I know now, fathers should fight harder for custody because A) They have a good chance at winning and B) They make better single parents.
I think I feel a new article coming on. Thanks for the inspiration.