You Don’t Need A Higher Power To Stop Drinking
An ex-priest changed how I viewed my sobriety
Imagine there’s no Heaven — it’s easy if you try
I’m not a proponent of organized religion — and that would be putting it mildly. If you’re religious, and you give credit to religion, God, or a Higher Power for your sobriety, you may not find this article useful — or even palatable.
But…it’s not for you.
It’s for people (like me) who consider themselves non-religious and were told that only God or a “Higher Power” could save them from their serious drinking problem.
It’s not my intention to offend or upset anyone, but if you’re devout, and you’re still hanging in there with me, allow me to establish some common ground.
I feel the same way about ALL religions as you do — except for one of them. I just believe in one less God than you.
If you’re Christian, for example, you can dismiss Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., as being inherently “untrue” with relative ease.
I’ve just added one more religion to the list.